February 13, 2009


Tonight the BF & I were in the East Village when he asked if I'd like to get sushi. He said he remembered a really good place in the area. I said if HE didn't remember where it was, I had a really good place, too. Carlota & I had been several times to this great place where rolls are half off! We kept walking, and BF said a few times, "Hmmm..I'm not sure if I remember where it is, but I think it's this way." Wouldn't you know, we stopped right outside the restaurant where Carlota & I had been? We were thinking of the same place!

And this is what we ate: shrimp tempura roll for me (mmmm..shrimpy)....Carlota & I usually split a few rolls, but I just had this one, and a few bites from BF's sampler platter. I was fine then, but hours later, I'm hearing my stomach grumble.

BF got the sampler meal with California, tuna & eel rolls. I had one of each, even though the mental picture of eel still freaks me out (ESPECIALLY after the eel challenge on Top Chef this season--eep!!) BF also gave me ALL of his pickled ginger, as ginger is one of his least-favorite flavors in the world. Score more for me! I also tried some of BF's Sapporo--I'd never tasted it before but it was quite good. Total for all that food, a beer, and a small salad? 21 bucks INCLUDING 20 percent tip. Who says NYC is expensive???

May's Place
121 E 2nd Ave(between 7th St & St Marks Pl)
New York, NY 10003

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