April 24, 2009

Citi Snacks!

Last week, That Sara & I traipsed out to Citi Field for its inaugural week. Sara had already been once that week, but it was my first trip! The weather was BEAUTIFUL, the new park was awesome, and the food was delicious. We waited (and waited and waited) in a long line at Shake Shack's stand, but it was totally worth it. I don't know that I'd say their burger is the best EVER, but it's pretty darn good. They're always juicy, bordering on greasy, and quite satisfying. This one was cooked to perfection, with just a little pink in the middle. It was gone before you could say "Shake Shack" five times.

My boyfriend has never been to Shake Shack, and I am taking him tonight to the original one in Madison Square Park. The line will be long, no doubt, but the weather is even more beautiful than a week ago!

I also had my first-ever alcoholic drink at a baseball game (I'm not really a beer drinker). At the International Beer Sampler booth, they offered bottled mojitos (pictured top right, as Sara & I toasted--she got a Czech beer, I believe). That one went down waayyy too easily. Cheers! And Play ball!

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