May 01, 2009

Incredible, Edible Egg (Whites)

I actually did something I always meant to do--I used leftover egg whites!! Instead of tossing them! I always, always save them when I use egg yolks for cooking, but this is the first time I've actually used them instead of tossing them. I know.. I know.. don't ask me why I feel it's slightly less wasteful if I undergo the pretense of storing them for a few days before ultimately, inevitably tossing them. It's just how I, as the kids say, roll.

Yesterday's danish recipe called for 2 extra-large egg yolks. Since I only had normal-sized eggs, I used 3 egg yolks, and set aside the egg whites in the fridge. This morning I decided to whip up a delicious omelet using fresh veggies and my favorite, pepper jack cheese.

I first sautéed some red peppers, yellow onion, and mushrooms in the pan. Here's the thing--I'm kind of obsessed with mushrooms right now, and yet they still freak me out a little. I used to HATE them: the smell, the texture, the fact that they are a fungus. But in the past year, my taste buds have come around, even if my brain hasn't completely joined the group. For instance, as I rinsed and sliced the mushrooms this morning, I couldn't help noticing that THEY SMELL LIKE DIRT. I don't like eating dirt, I don't like the FEELING that I'm eating dirt, and I have to tell you, it took some mental athletics to push through that sensation. It's kind of like green tea--sometimes I can take it, sometimes it tastes like liquid dirt. And I don't like that.

But once the mushrooms softened and took on the onion flavors, I calmed myself a bit. I set aside the sautéed ingredients in a handy little ramekin before using thes same pan for the eggs. I wanted SOME yolk in my eggs, so I added one whole egg to the 3 egg whites, resulting in one MONSTER omelet. Isn't it pretty?
Nicely browned by the butter, bursting with yummy ingredients. A trick my mother taught me--when the omelet is almost done, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. The steam fluffs up the omelet quite nicely so your eggs aren't too dry. I knew there was no way I could eat it all, so I ended up only eating half (Non-giant portion pictured at top of post). Maybe I'll have the rest for lunch!


  1. Looks yummy!...helping your pocketbook by using left another plus.

  2. That looks sooooo good, I wanted to make myself some eggs this morning but didn't have time. Instead I went to a cart and bought some fruit, almost as healthy right? :)
    And yea I know what you mean about the mushrooms - there are some foods I know I like to eat but sometimes something will put me off in the moment and I'm all ugh just get over it! and... yeah. :)

  3. BTW... do you keep changing your blog name? I feel a little confused.

  4. Yvo--I have two blogs now--the private, personal one, and the free-for-all food one (this one!) Sorry for the confusion! I got all paranoid recently and decided to clamp down on the first one.


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