October 17, 2009

Gotta have the goat cheese...

I raved a while back about the goat cheese omelets at a French bistro in my neighborhood. They are so good that I was determined to make some at home. How hard can that be, right? It's really not hard at all.

While traipsing (yes, traipsing) through Trader Joe's with ABF, I found a log of goat chevre with herbs and garlic--exactly what it tasted like in the awesome omelet. The entire log cost around 5 dollars. Not exactly cheap, but I plan to get a LOT of mileage out of it (I'm now writing this post more than 2 weeks after buying the cheese, and half of it is still in my fridge and still tasty!)

I made my omelet with 2 eggs. I let the eggs set a bit in the nonstick pan, then added a few dollops of goat cheese (which I'd let soften a bit first). This may look like a lot of cheese, but it's probably half of what they used at the restaurant. I also skipped the bacon as I figured I'd save myself some money AND calories. ;)

I'd just folded over the eggs onto the goat cheese when I remembered I'd forgotten the baby spinach (also from Trader Joe's, 1.99 for a whole bag, which lasts about a week!) I hastily flipped open the omelet and threw a handful of spinach leaves down. Better late than never, right?

When the eggs had almost set, I turned off the heat and put the lid on the pan (a trick my mother taught me---and she thinks I never listen ;) for a few minutes. This kept the heat and moisture in and makes the eggs extra fluffy. This omelet was everything I hoped it would be--fluffy, tangy, and affordable enough to qualify for a Recession Recipe! Try it at home--it will really spike your breakfast in the most delicious way.

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