December 02, 2009

Stawp and Shawp Sandwiches

Another must-stop place whilst on Martha's Vineyard is good old Stop & Shop (which I like to pronounce in the local accent, of course--Stawp and Shawp!). Am I the only one who remembers that awesome jingle? It's TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME to Stop and Shop! It's a great little place to pick up New England-centric goodies such as Autocrat syrup (yay! coffee milk!), but ABF also introduced me to their awesome sandwiches, which are a staple of our trip there.

We picked up two sandwiches on Saturday (you know, to go with our Scottish Bakeshop goodies and whatnot): an Italian (my favorite and I think one of ABF's as well) and a combo: roast beef with a macaroni salad and bag of chips. The single sandwich was about 3.99. The sandwich combo was 4.79. Did I mention the combo also came with a pickle!?!?

We took our sandwiches and drove out to the Artisan festival, which was also visited this time last year. It's in a big meeting hall in the middle of a green but muddy field. Before we hit the swarms o' visitors, we had a quiet, delicious lunch in the car (hey, variety is good!) We split the sandwiches, which were both so so so so SO good. I tip my hat to thee, S & S. The meat was delicious, the bread was soft, the vegetables nice and crunchy. My only regret was that I had to share. okay, not a regret so much as a thought of "I could happily eat this Italian sandwich in 3 big bites if ABF so much as turns his head the other way and what? Oh. No. No, of course, have a bite. Sigh."


  1. I assume this is different from the Stop and Shop grocery store chain? S&S was our neighborhood grocery and reading this it's the equivalent of saying you made a special trip to Shopright.

  2. Nope, that's exactly what I meant! A grocery store sandwich that made our day. I can't vouch for Shop Rite's deli, but these sandwiches were REALLY good. Also, Stop and Shop reminds me of my childhood, and I love how it has adapted and expanded over the years. It's a must-stop when I go home to New England for my goodies, and it just is a reminder of good times and happy childhood memories. I'll clarify that more in my post when I get a few extra minutes today!
    It wasn't really a 'special' stop, it just happened to be convenient AND delicious while we were on vaca. Saved some major money, too!


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