March 20, 2010

Ohhhh fuuuuuuuuuuudge...

Writing about my brief trip to Houston reminded me that I never finished blogging about my Thanksgiving vacation with ABF! We returned to that jewel of New England, Martha's Vineyard. MV is a place I visited on day trips a few times growing up in MA, but never a place I stayed for long stretches. The island has really grown on me, and I have loved every visit there a little more each time. Also? They have really good fudge. I mean REALLY good.

ABF & I stopped at Murdick's Fudge on our previous visit, but somehow none of that fudge ended up going home with me. Hmmm.... In my trips as a younger me, I always went for the Mad Martha's ice cream over fudge (as most of my trips were in warmer weather). Another draw of the warmer weather is that you can watch them make the fudge right there (see their website for a video on the cool process). On this chilly November day, however, the tools were off-duty.

I decided I wasn't going to waste another chance to try this fudge that seemed to draw in so many other people. I picked up a wedge of chocolate walnut, a wedge of chocolate peanut butter, and just for kicks, a wedge of plain old peanut butter.

SOMEHOW I managed not to touch these until I returned to work that Tuesday, when we have our weekly staff meeting. I figured the fudge would do less damage if shared with colleagues, plus, I'm just a mostly nice person. ;) We all cut into the pieces, and holy COW was this good fudge! Buttery, smooth, a hint of salt, and just plain delicious, not at all greasy. This fudge rocks. To my surprise, the peanut butter seemed to be the winner all around, with chocolate walnut coming in second. I will NOT waste any time getting to Murdick's on my next visit!!! First purchase? more of that cracktastic peanut butter. Sacriliciousssssss : )

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