April 23, 2010

Flax Seeds!

With a friend's wedding around the corner and summer not far behind, I've been ramping up my focus on healthy eating. My friend Hoosh & I are keeping food journals to keep ourselves honest, I'm trying to get extra veggies in every meal, and I've been adding extra fiber as well. I've had these flax seeds in my fridge for ages, courtesy of my Mutha :), but I never opened them until now.

I ground them with a few spins in my coffee grinder, then mixed the entire teaspoon (the yogurt was only a 4-ounce serving) into my Trader Joe's vanilla cream yogurt. This stuff is so decadent it's like a dessert, and that's how I'm treating it...but even dessert should have some extra fiber, right?

These gave the yogurt a different texture, of course, but I didn't mind it, and I feel better knowing I'm 'sneaking' some extra healthy stuff into my diet. Also? Could I love Trader Joe's any more than I already do? Probably not.

Is anyone else out there a flax fan? How do you get it into your diet?


  1. i sprinkle it over cereal, and sometimes add it to my cottage cheese & fruit slices lunch.

  2. Oooh! Cottage cheese! I knew I forgot something at Trader Joe's this weekend.. I'm sprinkling that on my next snack! Thanks!!!

  3. Hi, use them in cookies, muffins, cereal, salad....or take some of the cayanne, paprika, red pepper kosher salt and cumin and after rolling them in a drop of olive oil, roll the seeds in the spices and then bake them @350 for 7 min..check them often...snack away. let me know how they come out

  4. Cottage cheese.. Brilliant! I'll have to try this trick, too.

  5. I buy the already ground stuff and mix it in with my morning cereal. It gives it a bit of a different flavor, but it's not too bad.

    I've heard of using ground flax in baking as well. But I hardly ever bake anymore so haven't tried that.


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