April 04, 2010

Infuse This!

Behold my first attempt at infusing my own spirits! I heeded the advice of one CZ, a multitalented friend who knows her way around bartending. I wanted to infuse tequila for my Recession Recipes party, so I asked her advice and set out to make some magic.

Now, this is not the time to splurge on your alcohol. In fact, if ever there were a time to buy 'the cheap stuff,' this is it. My local liquor store doesn't have a huge selection of tequilas, but this was the cheapest one I found at about 20 dollars for the bottle. Not 'cheap' at first, but when you consider how many margaritas it makes, it definitely comes in as a super-saver.

Lesson #1 learned from this venture: do NOT attempt to pick up what is a 19-pound watermelon from a bin that is almost as tall as you are. I still have a stitch in my back, months later. Oy. Lesson #2, have towels on hand to sop up the extra liquid that will undoubtedly escape from your watermelon once you start hacking into it (also? This is FUN!)

Infusing couldn't be simpler. I chopped up the beautiful-looking watermelon, added a tablespoon or 2 of sugar (per CZ's suggestion), and poured the tequila over the chunks of fruit, which I'd put in a glass pitcher. I covered it with Saran wrap and left it out, at room temperature, for 2 days. I would have done it for longer, but 2 days before the party was my first chance to go get the watermelon.

The morning of the party, I removed the watermelon, reserved it in another container (for garnishes later), and strained the tequila.

This made such a difference! What a fruity, refreshing twist on tequila! We used it to make the margaritas at my party, and I had plenty leftover for the next week or two. I made myself a few more drinks over those weeks with the tequila, and it just kept getting better! Now that spring is here, I'll definitely be trying this with cantaloupe and other melons, and maybe I'll finally get around to that serrano tequila I've been meaning to make.

I highly recommend a fruit-infused liquor for your next shindig--or even if you have no company coming over at all! You're worth it! ;) Also, do pass along any other infusion suggestions!! Cheers!


  1. Any recipes for limonocello? I had some homemade stuff the other day at an Italian resto in Seattle. Delicious!

  2. Oooh! Brilliant suggestion. I'm on it! The time I visited Sorrento I wasn't yet drinking---I wish I'd brought home 4 bottles!!


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