May 17, 2010

Iguana Grill

My trip to Oklahoma was chaotic at best! It was for Jenezuela's wedding, and the days leading up to the wedding kept me busy. The day after the wedding, ABF and I packed all our stuff in the car and we drove allll the way out to Tulsa so ABF could finally meet my mom and sister (post coming soon!), then we drove back to stay with my friend LaShauna.

LS set up plans on Monday for a quick lunch in OKC with a former coworker of ours, Gene the Edit Machine. ABF gamely came along for the ride. We hit up Iguana Grill and settled in for a late lunch.

First things first: LOOK at the size of the water glasses there!!! What!??! It is literally, actually, truly as big as my head. You're welcome. :)

Since I wasn't driving, I ordered their spicy margarita, which had a swirl of salsa in it (Update--Gene just reminded me it was called the Coral Snake!) Holy sombrero, Batman, this was SUPER spicy. Just one sip and the heat cascaded through me. It was great for the sinuses, because I was having an allergy attack/cold of some sort trying to set up camp in my head, and this just kicked it right out for a little while. It was so spicy, just right, and it also took a long time to drink, so yay on all points! You know I do like spicy things!

We started off with the chips, salsa, and some guacamole. The guacamole was good, but it could have used another few squeezes of fresh lime juice. Still, I enjoyed the presentation (in the hollowed out avocado peels) and everybody got a good sampling of it. This was totally mild, but still interesting. The salsa was super-chilled, but very tasty and fresh, with lots of black pepper. The white corn tortilla chips were super crunchy.

I ordered the adobo chicken chimichanga...I used to love chimichangas, but it's tough to find a really good one outside of OK/TX. Or rather, tough to find a good one here on the East Coast. I was all over this one! It said it came with a chipotle sour cream sauce--YES PLEASE! I also got the cilantro-infused white beans, which the server recommended.

The beans were deliciously smoky, onion-y and flavorful, and the cilantro infusion was awesome. The server did not steer me wrong here!

The chimichanga was pretty good, but I wish it had been a little more crispy. The chipotle sour cream was very mild...I couldn't even taste the smoky heat I so love in my chipotles, but it was still delicious.

ABF got the enchiladas and the green rice, which I believe had cilantro and spinach. He was quite happy with his dish. I think he might have been the most satisfied customer at our table. That man knows how to order!

Gene also got the enchiladas. We were so busy laughing about old times at our former station, KOTV, that I didn't get his full review, but I think he liked his dish, too. Update--Gene liked his food but wished it were more spicy--I couldn't agree more! MORE HEAT!

I know LaShauna liked her dish, the crab BLT taco (which also came with those delicious cilantro beans), but we were all surprised to see that the dish comes with one, SINGLE taco. Really? Two would have been better. It was a surprisingly skimpy portion for the dish. Delicious, but not a lot. She also enjoyed a sangria swirl margarita.

Overall, we had great food at super-affordable prices (lunch special goes til 4, people, FOUR P.M.!) and walked away super-stuffed and super-hydrated (I mean really--those water glasses? INSANELY HUGE!) I would definitely recommend it to others, and might just have to come back one of these days when I have a much less hectic trip planned!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the Iguana Grill? I remember a place I loved called the Blue Iguana. All the coo theater peeps went there. But my favoritiest place in OKC to eat is Flip's.


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