I'm on a pretty serious low-carb kick these days, and by that I mean processed carbs and most sugar get the heave-ho, at least for a good long while. George Stella's cookbooks have been a standby for me, and I took his Meat Lasagna recipe and played around with it, adding more of some ingredients and less of others.
I browned a mix of ground beef and ground veal with some fresh garlic and a little bit of olive oil. Then as I layered that, I set the tomato sauce on the stove to simmer a bit with some spices.
Instead of noodles, which don't really give you much in the way of nutrition anyway, I cut thin slices of zucchini (loooooooove zucchini!) and used those instead. I layered the meat, cheese, zucchini, sauce until it almost bubbled over the top.
Oh! I forgot the fun part--I actually cooked the meat last week, seasoned it, yadda yadda, and then froze it, so putting this together took less than 15 minutes. It cooked for about 45, so I set about tidying up the living room while it baked.
I was pretty hungry, and it was getting late, so I didn't let it cool long enough (which is why it is a big, cheesy mess below on my plate). I steamed some broccoli as a side. This was pretty good, though I might season a bit more liberally AND add extra sauce next time around. I also froze more than half of it in individual portions and took one out every few days for work lunch or quick-and-easy dinners!
apparently i'm illiterate today. ignore previous comment. :)
That looks good! Maybe I will try some lasagna with zucchini instead of noodles.
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