November 05, 2010


***February 22nd, 2011: The folks at Jeremiah's Vanishing New York just broke the sad news that Niko's has CLOSED!!! I'm sad to see such an institution leave our city. And while one commenter laments the probability of a Starbucks, I'll take that over another stupid BANK. Feh. Thanks, Niko's staff, for many delicious memories.**

I met up with friends on the Upper West Side last week for a place I hadn't visited in years: Niko's Mediterranean Grill & Bistro.

We started with a platter of cold spreads--hummus, baba ghanoush, tabouleh salad and falafel. This was good, but it was overshadowed by...

Grilled octopus--ohmyword how have I never eaten this before? Out of this world delicious. Not at all rubbery--just delicious, succulent, amazing. Wow. My world of food just opened up a little bit more.

Seriously. I'm still thinking about this octopus. I don't get up to the Upper West Side that often, but I would make a trip just for this octopus. Sigh.

My friend Brad and I shared a small dish of tzatziki, which was so incredibly creamy. I'm used to more of a 'gloppy' consistency, which I love, but this was great, too. It was more like a cream cheese consistency, and it was yummy. We couldn't finish it, though--this would easily serve 3 people.

Some of the other entrees included the Greek salad and the pesto pasta with grilled chicken. I didn't get reports but everyone cleaned their plates, so I'm assuming it was delicious.

I know my dish was delish--I ordered the lamb souvlaki in a pita. I ordered salad on the side instead of french fries. The salad was lovely--light and lightly dressed, and packed with fresh greens, veggies, and fresh dill. Yum. Lamb is something I eat maybe twice a year, and I definitely don't prepare it at home. This was perfectly tender, delicious, and perfectly-seasoned. Oh my goodness. This was tender and soooo good. I'd go back just for this.

Niko's isn't 'cheap;' my entree was about 15 dollars, so 'moderate' is a better word. It's absolutely worth every penny, and worth the trip, too. Get the lamb!!!

Niko's Mediterranean Grill & Bistro
2161 Broadway
New York, NY 10024
(212) 873-7000

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