November 04, 2010

Spaghetti Squash & Sauce

I finally got around to make spaghetti squash, thanks to another timely sale by Sometimes these suckers can be huge and quite unwieldy, but this one was the perfect size.

I've heard a few folks say it can be tough scooping out the innards, but I disagree.. I scooped out the seeds with a spoon and used a paring knife to smooth out the edges.

I coated it lightly in olive oil and baked it at 350 for about 35 minutes. I'm all about multi-tasking, so while the squash baked, I set about making a quick tomato sauce.

This could hardly be easier: a splash of olive oil, diced onions, freshly-pressed garlic, and stir 'em around a bit.

Once the onions started to get translucent, I added a can of diced tomatoes. That's pretty much it!

After the sauce had simmered about 20 minutes, I added some dried oregano and basil and a few cranks of fresh black pepper.

I removed the squash from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes--do NOT skip this step! That squash is wicked hot!

Once it had cooled enough to handle, I started scraping out the strand-shaped flesh. I portioned out a little bit for dinner and packed up the rest for lunch at work.

The sauce was perfectly chunky and went fabulously with the squash, which is incredibly low-calorie, has a gram of fiber, and about 5 carbs per serving. This goes hand-in-hand with my goal of incorporating more veggies into my everyday life!

I've eaten this three days in a row--I might be a little obsessed.

What are some ways you serve spaghetti squash? I'm looking for more delicious ways to work it into my meals!


  1. I am equally obsessed and just introduced Mike to it. Phenom! I can't wait to try this recipe:

  2. I saw that too but balked at the maple syrup component! I get squee with the syrup. YOU try it and report back to me!! ;)


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