TastingTable.com recently featured an intriguing recipe for sugar cookies--it added cracked black pepper to the rolling sugar!
Seeing as I'm adding more and more sweet/savory combos to my list of favorite foods, I thought I'd give this a whirl.
I made this last night, and even I, the non-baker, thought these were dead simple. You add freshly-cracked black pepper to the granulated sugar and smidge of flour. The recipe calls for 1/8 of a teaspoon, which I did at first. I found the pepper flavor negligible!
I also cut the cookies into slices instead of rolling them out and cutting. I'm a rebel like that.
By the third batch I felt I found a good balance..the black pepper gives just enough background heat to these. I plan to make a batch for my friend Kel, who loveslovelovesnoseriouslythisgirlLOVES pepper. I'll toss in a mill or two of peppercorns and make her day!
I might even experiment with the next batch--maybe some chili pepper? Dried chipotle powder? White pepper? Oooh..white pepper...
Go here for the recipe---and let me know what you think!
Interesting. Never really would think to add pepper to my sweet cookies...
Thanks for posting the recipe! It's an intriguing concept, but I'm game to try anything once. :)I'm thinking rolling would be much easier than cookie cutters, so I'm with ya on the rebel part.
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