December 16, 2010

There's an App(etizer) for That!

I think I just found my next new favorite snack, and it's about as simple as can be. You just need 2 ingredients and 5 minutes!

Once you chop off the woody, less tasty ends of the asparagus it gets pretty easy!

Directions: wrap ingredient #1 (prosciutto) around ingredient #2 (asparagus), place on baking sheet, and place under broiler for 5 minutes (don't wander off--this can change in a moment's notice!) You might also want to switch the pan around halfway through to ensure even crisping.

The prosciutto's salty on its own, so I only added some freshly-cracked black pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice, all under the lightest drizzle of olive oil.

Okay, they might not be the prettiest things you ever saw, but they are darn sure some of the tastiest. The prosciutto is salty, chewy and tender, and the asparagus is perfectly cooked but still crunchy. These are perfect for popping into the over just as your guests arrive--or anytime you need a delicious and easy (also low-carb!) snack!


  1. Yum! These look gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by my Hump Day Appy party!

  2. Thanks for inviting me! Found you through Jenni Field!


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