February 19, 2011

Seeking Shelter at Clovis!

ABF & I headed back out to our new favorite place, Clovis Point Vineyards, for their President's Day special: a glass of the 2007 Archaeology along with a wine tasting. We brought Jen & Tom with us--they'd come out last year to DuckWalk but this was their first trip to CP.

It took a good while to get out there, and by the time we arrived things were closing down there. We were the only ones there and the crew was wrapping up to head home, but they were still super friendly and welcoming. We got to meet one of the owners, Hal Ginsburg, and he told me he has read my blog! That made my day!

He also shared some of their Brix chocolates that they used in the previous weekend's Valentine's chocolate/wine pairing. These chocolates are made specifically for tasting with wine, and they were excellent. A square of dark chocolate and a sip of Clovis Point's Vintner's Select Merlot team up wonderfully!

Along with enjoying the Archaeology blend, which I really savored, Tom & Jen also really liked the 2008 Chardonnay (which ABF & I love). I think we all brought home a bottle of it!

As with everyone we've met at Clovis Point, Hal clearly feels passionately about his wine and he loves to share that passion with others. Instead of feeling like we were at a business, we felt like we were just standing around someone's living room, visiting and feeling welcome very moment. I love, love love this spot, and I can't wait to go back.

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