February 15, 2011

The Village Cheese Shop

ABF & I arrived a bit early for our reservation at Love Lane Kitchen, so we popped into the cheese shop across the street. It was closed the last few times we drove through, but this trip, time was on our side!

It's a small space that's delightfully (and aromatically) packed with infused oils, vinegars, pasta, spreads, and of course, cheese!

There's also a sunny side area for seating--you can enjoy cheese, wine, sandwiches--you name it!

They carry several types of rice that work well with risotto (each grain gives a different degree of creaminess). I usually cook risotto with arborio rice, but I picked up a box of the Vialone Nano after reading its description as the creamiest for risotto. Done!

A lot of tempting baked goods line the area by the register. I was super-hungry before dinner but managed to resist the lemon bars, raspberry (!) bars, and other goodies. I did take a piece of raspberry-cinnamon rugelach for later.

When I ate it the next day, I liked it but didn't love it. I saw pieces of dried fruit (the raspberries?) but personally, I prefer the smooth/jam fillings. This still had a perfectly-crafted dough to it, though, but next time I'm opting for the lemon bars. :)

Don't let the vast amount of (delicious) options overwhelm you. The people behind the counter were friendly and helpful and patient. They'll help you pick the perfect cheese, spread, dressing, or other accompaniment. ABF brought home a lovely wedge of Brie that we've yet to consume.

The Village Cheese Shop
105 Love Lane
Mattituck, NY
(631) 298-8556

1 comment:

  1. I would not be able to resist a place called the cheese shop.


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