March 05, 2011

Brooklyn Heights Wine Bar

One chilly Saturday in Brooklyn Heights, I met up with my glam and gorgeous friend CG. She and her boyfriend excuse me, fiancé (congratulations again, you two!!!) were preparing to move from their BH neighborhood, and I wanted a chance to chat with her before they got all swept up in the chaos and torture that is moving. We walked around a bit and wound up at this cozy corner spot near the Clark Street subway stop.

It was a bit early for dinner, too late for lunch, and I had eaten neither, so I was ready to nosh. Wine and cheese STAT please!

CG ordered the appetizer of homemade meatballs, a perfect pick for that bone-chillingly brisk day. She shared one with me and it tasted delicious, but they were a little chewier on the outside then I normally like. The sauce was finger-looking-good, though.

I started with a glass of Montepulciano and found it to be a perfect balance of fruit and tannins and also YUM.

We ordered the cheese plate and I was shocked (in a wonderful way) at how much cheese they gave us! We selected 6-month aged Manchego, Gorgonzola, and perfectly salty Pecorino. I would have finished every bite if I could; as it was, I still nibbled far too much. Each cheese was wonderful--the tangy, salty bite of Manchego, the creamy, smooth Gorgonzola, and the equally nommable Pecorino all went down wayyyy too easily. We ordered an extra helping of the fig paste because hello? have you tried this? #Mouthheaveninaglass!

The service was great, Cassie tells me that it's a family-owned business. I think the man who picked up my napkin (which had fallen to the floor yet again) might even have been the owner. Everyone took very good care of us and they were so accomodating, even rushing off to get us another jar of that craveable fig paste (fig paste + gorgonzola = nirvana).

CG doesn't live in this neighborhood anymore, but I hope she'll make the trip back with me--this place is worth repeat visits!!

Brooklyn Heights Wine Bar
50 Henry Street
NY 11201
(718) 855-5595

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