March 24, 2011

Tongue-Tingling Tomatillos

Tomatillos rank pretty high in my list o' favorite produce. My mom always made a killer sauce. I don't come close to hers, but this easy recipe is something you'll want to add to your everyday repertoire. It also freezes well!

Imagine my delight when Fresh Direct finally started carrying them again! Tomatillos are featured on their "specialty produce' icon, but they have been frustratingly absent for the longest time. When I saw them return, elation ensued! I ordered a pound or two and got to cooking.

This recipe is DEAD simple, but so layered in fantastic flavors. You need tomatillos, garlic, onions, and chicken broth. Yeah, that's basically IT!

You can put the tomatillos under the broiler if you want, but today I opted to sauté them in a nonstick pan, after a few minutes of sweating the onions and garlic.

You'll know the tomatillos are ready when they start to turn from bright green to a duller, yellowish shade.

Now it's time to plop them in the blender--make sure to take out that top to let the steam release, or you'll have a hot and messy explosion on your hands. I usually blend them about half a batch at a time.

Once everything is blended, I put it back in the saucepan and heat it up, stirring it to distribute all the ingredients again. Have some immediately and put the rest in the freezer!

Tangy-Tart Tomatillo Sauce

1-1.5 lbs tomatillos (shuck and rinse them)
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 white onion, diced
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
Water to thin, if needed
Sauté onions and garlic in butter or olive oil just until clear. Add chicken stock and tomatillos, turn tomatillos intermittently. Add more stock or water if pan starts to dry up. When tomatillos are yellow and soft, add to blender, combine all ingredients. Return blended mixture to stove for a few minutes, until bubbling. Enjoy! Add to tacos, nachos, enchiladas, soup, anything you want to have an extra kick!

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