May 15, 2011

English Breakfast in Paris

Our time in Paris flew by so fast--it seems like ABF & I hardly ever sat down, and that's almost true! We were on the go so much that mealtime is about the only moment where we sat still for a bit. On our last day there, we thought it would be fun to get an "English Breakfast," or "Petit Dejeuner a l'Anglais." A spot near our hotel offered them for about 11 Euro (or 15 bucks) so we made the short walk to Le Pierrot Bistrot and took a seat near the window.

This place was nearly empty, as it was a bit after the regular breakfast hour. Our server, ebullient and oh-so-French (that's him on the left in the photo below, speaking to a fellow server) immediately brought out generous servings of OJ to get us started. I'm not a big juice person, but who could resist such a classy presentation?

Not long after came a plate of carby wonderfulness: 2 croissants and 2 tartines, which are long, narrow loafs, with a thin layer of butter and a small pot of jam for spreading on top of the butter (basically an open-faced sandwich with sweet and/or savory spreads on top!)

I don't normally mix butter and jam, but this was Paris, and I was going to do it the right way. Delish.

Our main dishes were edible works of art: look at the color! The arrangement! The presentation! The deliciousness! The eggs were cooked just as I like them--runny yolks, a dash of cracked pepper, and oh-so-yummy. The fresh parsley and sliced grape tomatoes were delicious pops of color.

Our cafe cremes were rich and piping hot, and we took our time sipping them and planning our last precious hours in Paris.

Oh, the luxury I felt to be sitting IN PARIS with ABF, sipping coffee and watching French people passing by, carrying baguettes and fresh flowers and beautiful purses, and everyone smoking all the while. I felt like I was soaking it all in and archiving each image, and I hope I keep them with me for a long, long time.

Le Pierrot Bistrot
67 Avenue de La Motte Picquet
75015 Paris, France
01 42 73 68 92

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