May 03, 2011

I'm here!!

I arrived the night before the Royal Wedding, just in time to get a few hours' sleep before the Big Event! ABF & I dressed up and headed towards Buckingham Palace to be amongst the crowds for the Royal Wedding.

We then hopped a train the next morning for Paris (that's where I am in the photo of me with the glass of Cote du Rhone!), where we stayed until Monday night. Now I'm back in London and enjoying a few more days before heading home. I've eaten croissants, drunk cafe creme and French wine, and eaten Indian takeaway from Kevin's favorite shop...but sadly, my computer cable is back in the are quite delayed!!

I cannot believe how slow and spotty internet service is in the UK & Europe. How in the hell do they get anything done...EVER?? Grumbling aside, I am having a lovely time, and will be sure to update soon. Cheerio!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed Paris! I want to hear all about the trip. And the food!!! :)


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