May 09, 2011

London: La Creperie

ABF & I ran around Paris so much that we never got to have crepes (quelle dommage)! Weep not, dear readers, for on my very last meal in Londontown, ABF & I had crepes.

We were walking through the Canary Wharf area and just before the tube stop was a small stand with big aromas wafting our way. I immediately got in line and excitedly waved ABF over to me.

The owner manning the stand is from a town outside of Paris, and I knew then we'd be in delicious hands. He was quite happy to hear that while I visited Paris, I've also seen towns outside (Toulouse, Montauban, etc, on my trip in 1999).

The options were dizzying in both the sweet & savoury departments (ABF went later and said the owner had wisely pared down his menu), but I finally settled on a ham and cheese (the first combo that wooed me to the savory crepe world in Montauban, 1999). I saw him add generous amounts of pepper to the melty, wonderful, garlicky cheese, and I couldn't wait to taste it.

ABF got a crepe with the same cheese, but added spinach and mushrooms. His was delicious, too, but in a rare moment, I was happier with my crepe. ZOMG happy.

We sat outside in the cloudy day and happily nommed our portable lunch.

The outdoor spot was lovely, filled with lots of seating and a plethora of plucky pansies!! What a wonderful way to spend my last few minutes with ABF before heading home. But wait..there's more....

Dessert crepe! Yes, ABF agreed to share a banana and Nutella crepe before we left, and I think even he will say he's glad he did. This was soo good. It was the perfect balance of filling and crepe--not too gloppy, not too sweet--so yummy!

If you are in Canary Wharf and want a delicious, portable meal, please, s'il vous plait, stop by La Creperie and nom some for me! You just might see me there again in a few months. ;)

Crêperie Canary Wharf
Reuters Plaza
Canary Wharf
E14 5AJ

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