May 11, 2011

More Marvelous (Borough) Market

After leisurely eating my goat milk ice cream and strolling around part of the market, I moved over to the meat/fish area. I can't tell you how cool it was to see these gorgeous displays of seafood, meat and more. You know it's fresh when you can't smell any fish!

This market was so remarkably fresh that it was a delight to hang around the stalls and check out the fish, crustaceans, and more on display.

While the majority of people were there to purchase fresh seafood, I noticed quite a few people armed with cameras, and very, very nice cameras at that (I used my trusty but affordable Canon EOS Point-n-Shoot).

What's that? Sangria for sipping whilst I wander?

Don't mind if I do!!!

Honestly, it was just so fun to wander around, make polite small talk with vendors, and sample bits and pieces, or even just inhale the inviting aromas. I couldn't possibly capture it all--but you are welcome to check out more photos here on my Stuff I Ate Facebook page--click THIS LINK!

Borough Market
8 Southwark Street
London, SE1 1TL

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