May 20, 2011

Paris: Le McDonald's

Purists & food snobs, avert your eyes! Yes, we visited McDonald's in Paris. Hear me out, though. McDonald's is almost always more delicious in other countries. I still remember how delicious the McDonald's in Moscow was, oh-so-many years later. It's interesting to see the regional/national differences in the menu. Also, ABF was being a wicked good sport accompanying me around France and letting me geek out over parlez-vousing everywhere we went, so the least I could do is take him somewhere somewhat familiar.

I happily ordered for us both: a Big Mac (pronounced: Beeg MACK) and frites for ABF, as well as a Diet Coke. They looked and smelled fantastic.

I ordered the Double Cheese, no fancy French name for their version of the double cheeseburger. This was really, really good. Not very greasy, and instead of fries, I ordered the side salad, which came with a cracktastic mustard vinaigrette. And this wasn't some cheap pile of iceberg--this was a gorgeous spring mix!

I enjoyed every bite of this meal, and it was affordable, too. I can't remember the exact prices, but I am sure it was a tad higher compared to American McDonald's, but it was still a decent amount of food/money for a quick lunch before heading off the La Tour Eiffel!

As much as I liked it, I know ABF LOVED it, and that alone was worth it. Bon Appétit, mon ABF!

Have you ever eaten at a McDonald's outside of the US? What did you like, dislike? What special item did they carry that caught your eye?

1 comment:

  1. No Royale with cheese or is that just in Amsterdam. Sorry I can never resist a pulp fiction reference.


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