June 18, 2011

Icy Goodness: High Line Treats

Have you visited the High Line on Manhattan's West Side? I did--THREE weekends in a row, at the height of the summer's heat. It's a formerly rundown train track turned into a lovely sightseeing oasis. There are places to sit, stroll and people watching. I personally need to take a break from this urban escape, but if you've not visited yet, you should go!

Make sure you pick up some hydrating liquids and cooling sweet treats, too--especially People's Pops. You can find them inside Chelsea Market, half a block from where the High Line begins. These treats are delicious, artisan popsicles. Forget the classic cherry, grape and orange (although those have a place in my heart, too)--flavors here include hibiscus, grapefruit, rhubarb, Stumptown Roasters coffee (cream & sugar, said the sign!) and more.

People's Pops can also make you a refreshing shaved ice (check out that huuuuge block right there) on the spot in 2 delicious, daily-featured flavors.

I ordered the Stumptown coffee pop. I don't normally put sugar in my coffee, so this was sweeter than I would have liked, but it was strong coffee flavor, and super cold & refreshing.

My friend Kwame got the sour cherry & plum pop, and said his was pretty good, too. It was soooooo so so so hot out that they were melting the second we walked out the door!

I found myself eating faster than normal just to keep from losing the delicious treat to the evaporation/melting process!

Trust me--it is HOT up there as you walk amongst the newly-repurposed tracks and trestles and whatnot. You are going to need some cold water, a popsicle or two, and maybe....ice cream?

Parked not far from the 14th street entrance to the High Line we spotted the Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream (VLAIC) truck. I'd been hoping to run into them for ages. It was getting on in the day, so they clearly had run out of a lot of flavors.

I was fortunate enough to snag one of the last servings of their hazelnut blend-- a lovely chocolate/hazelnut mixture that absolutely melted like sweet, sweet velvet on my tongue. Bliss.

You have to get there early to get the most popular flavors at VLAIC, but even if it's later in the day and your options are dwindling, they are sure to be delicious. Small-batch, high-quality, locally-made deliciousness. So help yourself to a popsicle, shaved ice, or ice cream before strolling the High Line--just don't expect to see me anytime soon. The High Line and I are taking a break for a bit. ;)

For more info on The High Line, go here!

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