June 30, 2011

Pancake Prowess: CSBC

A friend I'd not seen in ages came to visit the other weekend. We had reconnected on FB & Twitter, and she was coming to enjoy a sunny, funfilled weekend after too many cold, chilly days in her San Francisco home. She mentioned she'd LOVE some pancakes, and that meant really only one stop to me: Clinton Street Baking Company. It's a bit of a shlep to get there, but my WORD..these pancakes! And I'm not even really that INTO pancakes!

I started with the must-have blueberry pancakes--these are crammed full of wild Maine blueberries, dotted with them, and then the gorgeous dish comes with a side of maple syrup butter. Yes, times 10.

Ali gamely agreed to share dishes--she ordered their potato pancakes (aka latkes) which came with applesauce and cinnamon sour cream. CINNAMON. This was a really nice change-a-roo--not sweet, just a hefty hint of cinnamon. Win! The latkes had a decent dose of onion in them---a tad salty but to my liking. Not as good as my mutha's, but pretty darn close.

Ali's friend Jon met us there as well; he ordered the country breakfast, which came with some grilled ham, poached eggs, and their famous homemade biscuits. He kindly shared a bit of the biscuit and it was good, but a little dry for me. Granted, I was getting the very edge. I would definitely go back just for some biscuits and jam, aka carb overload.
And speaking of jam, their raspberry jam is bright, citrusy, and so so deliciously raspberry-y. My biscuit-to-jam ratio was egregiously in favor of the jam. ;/

Sure, there is almost always a line, but it moves pretty quickly, and it gives you a chance to sit outdoors and visit with friends--or make new ones while you're waiting! I also believe CSBC is one of the few 'hyped' places in NYC that I feel backs it up with delicious proof!

Clinton Street Baking Co.
4 Clinton Street
New York, NY 10002
(646) 602-6263

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