August 15, 2011

Crazy Cheap Tasty: Man'ouChe

Jen A & I visited a spot highlighted in's Cheap Eats download (go to their Facebook page, 'like' them, and you can download it yourself--and 'like' Stuff I Ate on FB while you're there, won't you???)--and when they said 'cheap,' they were. not. kidding.

Not only is the food crazily affordable (as in I almost question how they're able to stay open), but it is flat out fantastic.

It's a no-frills place. Walk up to the counter, place your order, and they'll bring it to you. Easy-peasy. Not fancy, but oh my word, wait for the fresh and fantastic flavors coming your way.

We started with one of their famed manakeesh (flat-bread pizza-type dishes). This one was half mozzarella cheese, half zataar (a Middle Eastern spice blend with thyme, sumac, and many other wonderful aromatics). This was outstanding--and three dollars. THREE. DOLLARS. For an 11-inch flatbread. Seriously.

Zataar varies in composition (and spelling!), so it will likely taste a little different everywhere you go. The version at Man'ouChe has a strong thyme flavor, and honestly, I could have just eaten this spice mix by the spoonful. NUMANUMNUM!

We also ordered a dish of hummus ($3.00), which was a huge, generous portion that even 2 hungry girls couldn't finish (though we tried mightily). A drizzle of rich olive oil on the top was a lovely touch. This was smooth, creamy and oh-so-delectable. It had a healthy dose of lemon and the garlic wasn't overpowering.

Jen picked the tabbouleh, which I would normally pass on. I've had too many sharp, flat renditions of this dish that I have been burned out on it. This one, however, opened my eyes and my tastebuds. Bright, fresh parsley, ripe tomatoes, and a symphony of spices and flavors made this dish so good that I took the rest home.

Our total bill for this feast (including 2 bottled waters)? Twelve dollars. TOTAL. Why are we not there right now!??!

(Service is also fast and friendly--so leave a few dollars in the tip jar on your way out--I want this place to keep going!)

7701 5th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11209
(718) 200-0150

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