September 21, 2011

The Dumpling Truck!!!

Whenever I've spotted the Rickshaw Dumpling Truck (an offshoot of Rickshaw Dumpling Bar), it's always been right after I've already eaten--blast! But not today, my friends. Not today. They were parked 1 block up from my office, on 50th street, and I was IN!

I first heard about Rickshaw Dumpling Bar because of its ties to the awesome chef that is Anita Lo. While she is no longer with Rickshaw, she helped create and develop their delicious recipes! She is a rock star, and I enjoy her work. Kenny Lao & David Weber are the heart & soul behind this operation, and they are still doing a delicious job. Their Rickshaw Dumplings truck parks all over the city and hands out tasty, steamed dumplings made with all natural ingredients (antibiotic-free pork, free-range, organic chicken, etc) and a very reasonable price.

Don't let the lack of a line fool you--it's not because the food isn't good--it's because the service is that fast!!

I couldn't decide between the Chicken & Thai Basil or the Pork & Chive, so I mentally flipped a coin and got the pork. I'm a sucker for anything with fresh chives in it!

6 dumplings for 6 bucks--not bad, right? I ordered the pork & chive dumplings, which came with a toasted sesame seed & soy dipping sauce.

The dumplings were soft, not too chewy, the filling was tasty, and the sauce was salty without tasting like seawater--all very balanced!

Their Twitter page touts a 6-dumpling order as being under 300 calories--nice!

This was win-win-win: great location, almost instant delivery of my hot dumplings, and delicious flavor! The only change I'd make would be to add a side--I'm still a little hungry. I'll be back soon, this time to try the Chicken & Thai Basil. Mmmm..peanut sate sauce....and maybe their cold noodle salad!

Track the truck yourself for a bite--you can follow them on Facebook or on Twitter @RickshawTruck to find out where they'll be next!

1 comment:

  1. I love dim sum, but usually a trip to a DS resto can rack up a pretty penny. Wish we had something like this in Toronto.


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