September 26, 2011

London: Breakfast at Aster House

My friend LaShauna was in London at the same time I was, and she kindly let me share her room at Aster House, a B & B in the South Kensington ("South Ken") area.

Aster House has a lovely sunroom where they served a generous breakfast every morning. There was a different cake/loaf each day (ginger, walnut-date, banana-nut, etc), pastries, yogurt, juice, dried fruit and nuts, dry cereal and much more.

I usually had a slice of the cake (tiny!), 2 dried apricots, a prune or two, some nuts, and bread with the delectable strawberry preserves. I don't really eat strawberry jam/jelly/preserves at home--why is it so much tastier over there??

It wouldn't be a British breakfast without eggs and beans, would it? On the other side of the room there were scrambled and poached eggs with the beans. You KNOW how much I love poached eggs!

These were done to my liking the first day, though they were overcooked (aka hard-boiled) the next two days. Bummer! The beans and scrambled eggs were still yummy, though.

They also offered tea and coffee each morning. The staff there was crazy efficient and welcoming, and they remembered every morning that I take coffee and LaShauna takes tea. I meant to switch over to tea, but this American needs her coffee first thing. I took tea breaks in the afternoon, anyway.

The B & B is literally around the corner from the South Kensington tube stop. The owner, Leoni Tan, was wonderful and accomodating. A small group of ducks live in the backyard, and I loved watching the nightly ritual of rounding them up in their pen for bedtime. I'll miss those crazy ducks!

Aster House is brilliantly located, spacious, comfortable, and I highly recommend them if you're looking for a place to stay in London!

Aster House
3 Sumner Place
London SW7 3EE, United Kingdom
020 7581 5888

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