September 29, 2011

London: Buckingham Arms

After our tour of Buckingham Palace, we meandered around the area and made our way towards the St. James's tube stop. Buckingham Arms was an inviting place along the way, so in we went for a pub lunch!

The young man at the counter informed us that we order up front and pay there; they pour our drinks then & there, and then bring our food to us later.

As I waited for the server to pour our ice-cold Strongbow ciders, I noticed an honest-to-God working dumbwaiter! The dirty dishes magically disappear, while piping hot food comes back on another round. Sweet.

We snagged a table in the back of the room, sipping our cider and waiting for our food. Around us we heard some boisterous Italians, tipsy Brits, and the flat, familiar Midwest American accents of some fellow countrymen. We enjoyed some primo people-watching!

The lunch special that day was a 'mini' fish and chips, which I expected to be a fish stick or three. Nope, just a 'smaller(?)' version of regular fish and chips, which is what LaShauna also ordered.

The fish was delicious--they really know how to fry a fish over there. The fries were tasty and not too numerous--just enough.

The service was surprisingly efficient--and since we'd paid up front, there was no waiting for the check (which takes a while in the UK)!

Our lunch was under 10 dollars each, including a small cider, and it couldn't have been more convenient. If you're looking for a lovely pub after a visit to the Palace (or anywhere nearby), do stop in to the Buckingham Arms!

Buckingham Arms
62 Petty France
Westminster, London SW1H 9
020 7222 3386

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