October 09, 2011

Amsterdam: The Pancake Bakery

A coworker of mine gave me one piece of advice about Amsterdam: Go to the Pancake Bakery. Do not miss it. It is awesome. Something along those lines.

Amsterdam had so much for us to see and do, so it wasn't until the morning we had to leave that we made the walk. ABF hadn't had his coffee yet, so if you hear him tell the story he may leave you with the impression that I forced him to march for 19 miles before feeding him, but really, it was just about 15 minutes down the long, winding canal roads.

We'd passed this spot the day before and saw loads of people waiting to sit outside, but on this day, we walked right in and got a table! It's a little dark inside, but it smells like home and breakfast and warmth. And the cook in that kitchen is hustling!!! He works those cast-iron skillets like an artiste, never missing a beat.

Our table was already decorated with two types of syrup and a giant jar of... molasses??

The menu is all-encompassing and a little overwhelming, especially for someone like me. Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure book? I would need both hands to read them, because I would try to read all three options at once, using my fingers as placeholders so I could see everything that might happen! It took me forever to get through those books because I couldn't stand to miss out on something. That's a whole other ball of wax though...

ABF wanted eggs for breakfast, so he ordered the omelet. It took up half the plate, and it smelled wonderful. It also came with a lovely mixed salad. It was all as delicious as it was beautiful--crunchy, salty bacon. The Dutch do know how to do bacon, God love 'em!

I ordered the basic pancake. I know. Very plain for me...but I wanted the base experience, because we fully intended to share a dessert pancake at the end.

Well, I intended...apparently ABF thought I was joking at first. Silly ABF--I don't joke about food! The server explained to me that Dutch pancakes, at least at the PB, are thicker than a crepe, thinner than American pancakes, and I noticed they are stretchy, too. One pancake takes up an entire plate, as you can see.
I experimented with regular syrup, the 'caramel' (which tasted more like our American maple syrup), the powdered sugar, you name it--a different flavor in every single bite!

These pancakes are delicious! Delicious! And I'm not a huge pancake person. These were not at all bready or heavy.

The coffee was delicious, too. Strong, thick, caramell-y. It came with a stroopwafel, a waffle/cookie type snack with a caramel/syrup filling.

Delicious dunked in the coffee!

But wait..the best is yet to come! With our "Iamsterdam" card, we got 20% off any 'international waffle.' The Brazilian pancake came with walnuts, pecan-caramel ice cream, amaretto, mocha sauce, and of course, whipped cream!

I liked this. A lot. But I think it's safe to say that ABF loooooved it. Loved it. In fact, he was glad that I insisted on getting it before we left.

We are both adamant about returning someday to Amsterdam, and we may have to make more than one visit to the Pancake Bakery!

The Pancake Bakery
Prinsengracht 191-A
1015 DS Amsterdam, Netherlands
020 625 1333

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