October 01, 2011

London: Buckingham Palace Garden Cafe

My most recent trip to London was also my FIRST chance to tour Buckingham Palace--Sure, I'd visit everytime I go and get my photo taken outside, but until now, I hadn't set foot inside.

There are no photos allowed inside the Palace, though if my Iphone hadn't been stolen in line at JFK's security, I'd no doubt have sneaked one of the Kate Middleton's wedding dress (stunning), which was temporarily on display in one of the many staterooms.

Once you finish your tour, there is a lovely outdoor cafe where you can grab a bite to eat or a drink as you look out on the lovely grounds of Buckingham Palace gardens. When I got home I found out the cafe opened last summer--it's a smart move!

What could be more British than strawberries and cream? I ordered some for myself--they add the whipped topping just before serving it-- along with a hot chocolate (the wind was brisk that September day!).

These berries were juicy, ripe and just lovely. The whipped cream was barely sweetened, just enough. Isn't the cocoa powder stencil just the cutest??

LaShauna ordered a sponge cake with strawberries and another hot chocolate. It was warm and chocolaty, but hardly sweet at all.

I don't think LaShauna was a fan of the hot chocolate, but I enjoyed it.

The gardens, at first, looked like a sweeping lawn surrounded by trees (beautifully changing trees, but still!)
But the gardens keep going as you make your way out of the grounds, and we saw everything from pea hens to magpies to birds I can't even name!

Some of the items are pricer than others (ie cute little cups of ice cream), and sure, my strawberries & whipped cream cost about 5 bucks, but I felt it was worth it. We'd been walking for hours and I was ready for a bite. Even if you just stop for a cup of tea to relax and enjoy the scenery, it's definitely worth it!

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