October 17, 2011

London: Lotus

I had an amazing visit in London--best one yet! Before I knew it, my last night in London had arrived. ABF was saving the best for last--we took the DLR (above-ground train) a quick stop or two to Lotus, a Chinese restaurant on a floating barge.

The layout was lovely, bright, and the rooms were buzzing pleasantly with conversation. It was a veritable United Nations of a dining room--people of all ages, races, and walks of life happily laughing, dining, and smiling. I'm in!

We started with something cool to drink-- a Tsingtao beer for ABF and a crisp Sauvignon Blanc for me.

As we sipped our drinks, we saw them bring a warming plate to our table. This was getting interesting!

Spring rolls came quickly, and there are 3 to an order, but they were already cut neatly in 2 for perfect, easy sharing. These were delicious, not greasy at all, and scrumptiousscrumptiousscrumptious!

We also ordered delicious shrimp fritters, again perfectly sliced in 2 for perfect sharing. These were fantastic, too.

And because this is London and they keep it classy, we had bowls with warm water and lemon slices to dip our hands in after all that fabulous finger food.

Up next, my main dish of chicken and sautéed veggies. This was light, fresh, a bit of heat to it. ABF's mixed veggies and chicken dish with cashews is warming in the background on the hot plate, along with the spring rolls and rice!

Everything was so good!
ABF's dish had a lot more mushrooms, but it was equally tasty. The food here was stellar from start to finish.
Continuing on the classy front, we got more "freshening" towels for final cleanup after all the nomming! Overall, I was so delighted with this outing. It was excellent, swift, and friendly (! in London!) service, top-notch food, and the location couldn't be more fun. If you're in London and you have time to take the DLR out east, stop by Lotus and have a fabulous floating meal. :)
The Lotus Chinese Floating Restaurant

9 Oakland Quay

Inner Millwall Dock

London, E14 9EA

Tel: 020 7515 6445

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