November 09, 2011

CT: Eramosa

My friend Jen A & I took an overnight trip out to Westport, CT for some get-out-of NYC time. We bought a Travelzoo deal at the Westport Inn, and a main draw to this deal was the $100 dollar credit to their on-site restaurant, Eramosa.

The restaurant is literally right inside the wide hotel lobby, to the right of the spacious, fireside seating area. It's almost more of a bar area with some tables, with the open layout making it feel less 'restaurant-y.'

We each ordered a glass of white wine, reasonably priced at $9 a glass. It was a Ribbonwood Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough, New Zealand. It was delicious and light.

We shared an app of spicy maple-roasted shrimp with bacon and jalapenos--very good! The smell of maple syrup is not my favorite, though, so as soon as I'd had a few bites of this dish, I wanted it to go away. I just cannot handle that smell for more than 5 minutes or so (walking into an IHOP is a version of olfactory torture for me).

We also shared a app of spicy macaroni and cheese, and what we received was an entrée-sized crock of cheesy, melty, comfort-y deliciousness. This was honestly enough for 3, but we managed to take care of it on our own.

We shared the main dish, as we certainly weren't starving at this point. We split the baked salmon with tomatoes and arugula. I don't know what it is, but salmon + tomatoes just does not work for me. Somehow it always ends up tasting metallic to me. I love salmon (LOVE) and I love tomatoes, but please do not put them together. The salmon was delicious and soft and not dried out, but I just wasn't wowed by this part of the meal.

Did you think we were done yet?? Silly you. We shared a slice of chocolate cake, and it had more layers than I've ever seen on a cake! It was dark, rich, and that icing was intense, but it was so good. I also had some peppermint tea (they had a great tea selection), hoping that would help speed up the digestive process.

Despite what felt like a voluminous buffet of food, we still had money left over on our $100 credit! Stay tuned for breakfast!

Eramosa at the Westport Inn
1595 Post Rd E Westport, CT 06880
(203) 259-5236

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