November 12, 2011

Telegraphe Cafe

On our way to the annual NYC Chocolate Show (or "Halloween for Grownups," as we like to call it), Jen A & I decided to get some real food in us before hitting the sweets. Telegraphe is just a few doors down from the exhibit hall, so we followed the delicious aromas on 18th street and went inside.

We each ordered the same sandwich: avocado, goat cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers and balsamic vinaigrette on a fresh baguette. Jen opted for the pretzel baguette (first photo in this blog) while I got the sourdough. Fresh, soft, with just a perfect bit of crunch on the outside.

We each ordered the same thing, but for some reason the young woman ringing me up assumed I was to go, so my cafe au lait was in a paper cup, and my sandwich was wrapped to go. Jen's food was plated AND her tea was in a big oversized mug, perfect for warming one's hands on a chilly day.. Um.....odd!

Our sandwiches also looked completely different--clearly made by 2 different people with very different ideas of how this sandwich should look & taste--no roasted red peppers on mine (sad face) and very little avocado. Weird, but not worth waiting to get it fixed this time.

Despite the inconsistencies, this was a delicious, refreshing sandwich, nice and light and layered with flavors. The coffee was good, too.

There were plenty of pretty, tempting (pretty tempting!) treats on the counter, but we'll have to go back for those--with a MUG of cafe au lait on the side!

Telegraphe Cafe
107 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 488-5810

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