December 02, 2011

Martha's Vineyard: State Road

Thanks to my new interweb/fellow-food-fan-friends at, ABF & I learned that our beloved Zapotec had closed (o, fish tacos, I hardly knew ye). Where could we go for an amazing meal now on Martha's Vineyard--where we trek every year after Thanksgiving in NY? HN peeps suggested State Road, a restaurant on, well, State Road, in the West Tisbury area of the island. I checked out their review (go here), and the pictures alone told me this would be THE place for us.

First things first--ABF & I are not kidding around when it comes to coffee. Our server brought us steaming mugs of it--fresh, hot, dark roast. And I mean dark. As dark as ABF makes it on his own, and that's a pretty big compliment from our coffee camp. We both make mean pots of coffee in a variety of ways, and I think it's safe to say we both give the State Road brew two mugs up!

Brunch here goes from 8am-2pm. YES! We were up pretty early every day on our trip, getting the most hours of sunlight we could. Getting up early also builds quite an appetite!

Everything on the menu sounded delicious, but I kept going back to the bacon-cheddar-jalapeno grits ($12).And I don't even like grits.

ABF got the one item we agreed SOMEONE had to order: the cod cakes special ($15), which also came with arugula and a fried (local) egg. We were super-happy to see that it came with THREE cod cakes...each one jam-packed with flaky fish, fresh herbs, and a serious kick of lemon. The lemon-dill sauce that came with it had me coming back for 'just one more taste' a few times. I'm lucky he's such a generous guy. ;)

Check out those gorgeous slices of their house-made multi-grain bread. Each piece had real heft and weight to it--the mark of a serious piece o'bread. The housemade preserves were splendid--chock full of fresh blueberries--hardly anything extra needed! I could have eaten a lot more of this bread. It tasted like the kind your mom would make on a cold winter day. Le sigh.

I had more than enough grits to share--they're still not my favorite food in the world, but the way they make them at State Road is definitely worth trying, and it's an incredibly generous amount! Our server, Caitlin, also brought us a small bowl of sriracha sauce to dot over our food--which of course it didn't need, but sure was a nice addition. Yum. The sautéed spinach was scrum-diddily-umptious, and the local eggs from Grey Barn Farms (perfectly, perfectly poached!) are well worth the extra buck per egg. No anemic, pale yolks here!!

The service was great here--friendly, welcoming, efficient, and we enjoyed every moment in that warm, open restaurant. We wanted to go back again (and again) before we left, but time just wasn't on our side. I'd also love to see their backyard herb garden in full bloom--I'll wager it's a beauty. Next time!! And next time, honestly, can't come soon enough.

State Road Restaurant
688 State Road
West Tisbury, MA 02575
(508) 693-8582

----> Hot coffee + great food = Happy LKP


  1. State Road is soooo good! You should try their dinner! Next time you are down we should meet up for a cocktail and something tasty. We'll show you some of our other favorites! Too bad you don't come earlier in the season, there are so many great restaurants that close for the winter.

  2. It's been a long time since I was on the Vineyard for the 'season;' time to change that!!! Thank you again for the delicious recommendation!


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