February 26, 2012


One of my most delicious memories from growing up in New England is Bliss Brothers Dairy in Attleboro (Massachusetts). We'd go there for post-church lunches, weekend dinners, and best of all, ice cream! My very own mother once worked behind the counter, scooping up delicious dishes of fabulous Bliss in ice cream form.

Bliss Brothers started out as a dairy, but they are now full-service, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner, and of course, their awesome ice cream.

We'd had an early brunch there with a friend, but after taking ABF around Attleboro to see the sights, my old stomping grounds, schools, homes, and more, I told him we had to stop for something sweet. In other words, I wasn't leaving town with some Butterfudge in my belly.

You heard me. Butter. FUDGE. Bliss Brothers earned my undying devotion so many years ago by putting together rich, decadent hot fudge with butterscotch--you don't choose one or the other--you get them both!! Huzzah!

ABF saw the fried dough sundae and was immediately on board with that. I'll admit, I did not buy into it at first---fried dough? Like the funnel cake I just don't get?? But once again, ABF proved his ordering expertise, because this was AMAZING. If Butterfudge didn't exist (and let's not imagine that scenario for too long), this sundae would be a handy, delicious, oh-so-bad-for-your-hips-but-lovely-on-the-lips replacement.

His only suggestion would be that they serve it in smaller pieces--the dough is a bit unwieldy to cut and requires at least a decent knife to go with it--but he'd order it again without question!

On our way out, we stopped in the store section to see what people can take home now. Along with the tubs of ice cream I remember so well, we also saw other dairy products and an ice cream pizza.

If we were staying in Attleboro, I have a sneaking suspicious ABF would have walked out with one of those!

If you're anywhere near Attleboro (I'm looking at you, Providence!!), you've got to get yourself to Bliss Bros for a classic burger and a superb sundae. You're welcome. :)

Bliss Bros. Dairy
711 Park Street
Attleboro, MA 02703
(508) 222-0787

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