April 21, 2012

The Ancient Mariner (Mystic, CT)

On our way home from Martha's Vineyard, ABF & I made a side stop in Mystic, Connecticut. I hadn't been here since I was a kid, and I remember it being much bigger (isn't that always the way?) and more.. just.. more! It didn't take us long to walk around, and we were pretty hungry, so we stopped in The Ancient Mariner for an early dinner.

We were early birds, so we got a seat right by the windows, perfect for people-watching.

We both started with chowder, of course! This was delicious but different--a little less thick and creamy, but so fabulously seasoned (thyme, oregano, and who knows what else???) that I didn't miss the regular texture at all. It also had bite-size pieces of red potato that were perfectly cooked--tender but not mushy or mealy. A really different take on it!

I haven't had a lobster roll in a good long while, so that's what I finally settled on (the menu there is massive!) after some hemming & hawing. There was a decent amount of meat in this roll, and it wasn't soaked in dressing. I like my lobstah rolls pretty simple. It was just a little overcooked and chewy, but still tasty.

ABF ordered the bacon cheeseburger. He gave me a bite (such a nice guy) and it was good, but I was happy with my lobstah.

For dessert, ABF had no problem picking the special that day: Irish Soda Bread pudding. I didn't think much of this in print, but ABF kindly shared a bite with me, and it was 'shut-your-mouth' delicious. Wow. This was outstanding. Out. STAND. Ing! So much so that I had two more bites, even though I was saving room for my ice cream later (post here). It came with a whiskey sauce that had just enough bite and sweetness to cap off the dish.

That pudding. Wow. I think ABF is going to have his mom make EXTRA soda bread next St. Patrick's Day so he can try his hand at recreating this!

We had great service through the whole meal, and the food was good. They had good drink specials, too. If you're passing through Mystic, stop in for a good meal--and if that Irish soda bread pudding is there, order it.

The Ancient Mariner

21 West Main Street

Mystic, CT 06340

(860) 536-5200

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