August 09, 2012

Hinsch's is Back!

I posted last fall (amidst my London/Amsterdam posts) that Bay Ridge favorite Hinsch's was closing. That was true, for the moment. Weeks later, the shop REOPENED (I do feel a little toyed with, I'll admit it) for a new and improved version-- not only does the new Hinsch's offer free wi-fi, but they are now open late for dinner!

First things first--how is breakfast? Well now they offer fancier 'brunchy' options, so I gave the Eggs Benedict a whirl. Very good, but one of my eggs was overcooked. Kel encouraged me to send it back, something I have done perhaps twice in my life. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but the manager came over at just the right moment and saw the hardboiled yolk. 2 minutes later, I had a second, perfectly-poached egg. Much better! The sauce was good, English muffins perfectly toasted, and the fruit kabob was a nice touch.

My dish also came with a free OJ. Granted, it's literally a shot glass worth, but that's about all I need anyway. It is definitely fresh-squeezed, too!

Kel got her usual-- 2 eggs over easy, cheese fries and crispy bacon. Everything was perfectly cooked and she was quite happy.

A few weeks later, we tried them out for dinner seeing as, up until now, the only meals we've ever tried were their breakfasts or their burgers (both delicious).

It was around 8:30, late dinner for us, so we were one of only a few tables that night. The dinner menu is even more expansive than the old menu, which is saying something. It took me a while to make up my mind, but I settled on the spinach salad with crispy bacon, hard-boiled egg, mushrooms, and a lemon vinaigrette. I added some grilled shrimp for extra protein.

It wasn't just good, it was GREAT. I ate almost every bite (except for those still-kinda-creepy mushrooms) and will be re-creating this lemon vinaigrette at home. Tart AND mellow at the same time, no sicky-sweetness to it. Excelsior!

Kel ordered the cheese quesadilla, which was impressively large (easily enough for 2-3 people to share as an app, 2 people for an entree). It came with pickled jalapenos, sour cream, and guac. Good, but not anywhere near my salad's awesomeness.

Of course we split a Hinsch's famous sundae for dessert. One scoop of vanilla ice cream, one scoop of chocolate, and marshmallow topping. So good!!


8518 5th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11209

(718) 748-2854

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