September 19, 2012

Nantucket Pharmacy

It was a humid, muggy, super-sweltering summer day when ABF & I walked through Nantucket-- just a day trip during our visit to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We'd had a delicious lunch at Arno's a few hours ago (review here), but after a few hours of wandering around, we needed a pick-us-up ASAP!

I'd noticed earlier that they have ice cream floats at Nantucket Pharmacy, a sweet little spot that does sell drugstore items, but also has a welcoming, well-worn countertop with a friendly staff that dispenses everything from breakfast sandwiches to ice cream.

Oh. And just a few clocks (which you can buy, too).

I wanted a root beer float like nobody's business, and that's what I ordered. ABF was going to have the same, but ordered a Coke float to mix it up a bit.

They were both tasty, but there is something about root beer and vanilla ice cream that just rocks my tastebuds. We both agreed it was much, much better than the Coke float.

A seat at the counter, summer in the air, ABF at my side, and a root beer float in front of me. Not a bad day at all, my friends.

Nantucket Pharmacy

45 Main Street

Nantucket , MA 02554


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