September 05, 2012

Pinterest "Pancakes"

Are you on Pinterest? It's like a digital corkboard where you can store all sorts of ideas, projects, outfits, decorating ideas, and of course, RECIPES! I saw a few friends pin a low-carb (and gluten/grain free!) pancake recipe that sounded too good to be true, but too good not to try. These. Are. SCRUMPTIOUS.

While I found this recipe on Pinterest, it originally appeared here on I Breathe..I'm Hungry, a gorgeous & fun food blog run by Melissa S.

Cream cheese, eggs, a dash of cinnamon, and sweetener (I used a scant 1/2 teaspoon of Splenda). That's IT. I let the cream cheese come to room temperature, threw all 4 ingredients in my mini food processor, and 30 seconds later, I had batter. Very thin batter, but it smelled like the real thing!

I cooked these up 2 at a time in my nonstick pan. They browned up perfectly and smelled so good! There were pancake-sized but closer to crepe in feel.

I doubled the recipe and made half for dessert, and then cooked the rest the following morning. This time I made them pancake size AND crepe size, topping them with whipped cream (also sweetened with Splenda) and fresh nectarine slices. Oh, Summer!

Don't let the cream cheese scare you--these are not heavy, clunky, bready bits. They're light, delicious, and left me sated but not in a simple-carb stupor.

As Melissa mentions, these are not like the old, sit-in-your-stomach-food-coma-inducing pancakes (which I also have from time to time). They're like a delicious pancake/crepe hybrid. The springy, thin texture was more like a crepe to me-- and deliciously similar to the Dutch pancakes ABF & I had back at Amsterdam's Pancake Bakery (review here). That is NOT a bad thing at all-- I just wouldn't expect fluffy, pillowy, Bisquick-type pancakes when you make this. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with the taste. These are a new favorite for me, and I'm so happy Pinterest led me to Melissa's blog!

Cream Cheese Pancakes from I Breathe...I'm Hungry(check out her blog for more delicious inspiration)

Original Link HERE

For eight 6-inch pancakes/crepes

4 oz cream cheese (half a bar)

4 eggs

scant 1/2 tsp Splenda

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Put everything in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Let it rest a few minutes, or put in the fridge overnight (my next-day crepes were even better!) Cook until golden on each side--I like mine more gold than brown-- and top with syrup, fresh fruit, whatever you'd like! Makes about 8-10 pancakes/crepes.

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