October 18, 2012

Scratch Bakery: Sandwiches (Maine)

My friend JM knows good bread when she tries it. She highly recommended Portland's Scratch Bakery, even above the more-publicized, centrally-located bakeries in the downtown areas. (The folks at Food & Wine magazine agree with her-- they named Scratch one of the country's Best Bread Bakeries!

You need a car to get to Scratch, and thankfully, we had one! ABF & I drove out on a rainy afternoon to get some sammiches, and Scratch put some outstanding food in our happy pieholes!

(sweet stuff post HERE!)

The freshly-baked bread smell in Scratch is so intoxicating, you almost lose focus. When you step inside, you'll see the breads of the day to the right. Pace yourself! I wanted to lose myself in soft dinner rolls and crusty boules, but keep going around the bend to the sandwich corner!

This is clearly off the beaten path for tourists, and I had no idea how/where/when to order. (Skip the register at the front of the store and go right back to the sandwich counter to order, then pay at the register).

We figured it out eventually, and the helpful folks behind the counter were quick to help us out further. I went with the pulled pork sandwich, and ABF got the roasted turkey. They wrapped them up for us while we wandered over to the bakery area.

We also picked up some Maine sodas (root beer for me, sarsaparilla for ABF)--these were great! Not too harsh with the bubbles, a nice bite to the root beer, and a sort of vanilla/cream soda taste to the sarsaparilla.

Here's my stunning sammich: the tenderest, most melt-in-your-mouthiest, succulent pulled pork-- you could almost eat it with a spoon. Normally I'd pick off that red cabbage, but I left the sandwich untouched and ate it as is.

The crunchy cabbage, the slightly sweet pickles, and the softest, freshest bread all came together in a crazy wow tasty explosion.

There's another beauty shot of ABF's sandwich-- roasted turkey, Romaine lettuce, caramelized onions, and their 'exotic' mustard. I don't know what makes it exotic, but it was render-me-speechless good.

We had some very good food during our stay in Portland, but Scratch Bakery was hands down THE BEST. We actually tried to go back another day to get some sandwiches for dinner, but we got there 15 minutes after closing (o, the gnashing of teeth and weeping we did!) If you're staying anywhere near there, zip over for some sandwiches, sweet treats, and wicked strong coffee!

Scratch Baking Company

416 Preble Street

South Portland, ME 04106

(207) 799-0668

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