December 05, 2012


After a spooky "Ghosts of Stuyvesant Town" walk with ABF, we stopped at Peels on Bowery for a late night snack. It was a bit late for dinner, but it's never too late for dessert, amIright?!

Peels is a dimly-lit but boisterous restaurant right on Bowery. We saw a bachelorette party, couples of all ages, and a few solo diners as well. All kinds are welcome at Peels!

I ordered their apple pie (a la mode, of course) and a mug of their hot chocolate. The pie was pretty good, though I like my apples cooked a little bit softer, but it did taste like homemade!

ABF also ordered a latte-- some lovely foam art capped a rich, lush cup of espresso. He is a coffee man if I ever met one, and he loved this.

The hot chocolate, however. Oh. My. Word. This could be dessert on its own. It's almost too much for one person. Almost. I managed, somehow. Wow. I'd go back just for that!

ABF ordered a butterscotch pudding---and it will come as no surprise to regular visitors to Stuff I Ate that once again, his ordering radar was triumphant once again. This was outstanding! I think it might have been a featured dessert, so I'm not sure if it's still there, but holy COW. The salty/sweet walnuts on the side really made the dish.
I still have yet to try the savory side of the menu, but Peels nails it with the sweet/salty desserts and the lush hot chocolate. 'Tis the season-- go grab a cup and let me know what you think!
Peels NYC
325 Bowery
New York, NY 10003

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