February 01, 2013

Pie Face in NYC

I've seen Pie Face locations around the city, but I never bothered to go in until my former roommate hit it up first! She was here recently arranging her wedding (August!! eeeee!) and popped into the location on 53rd street.
For Americans, I don't think the phrase "meat pie" is super appetizing at first. That itself probably put me off the place for a while, even though I have eaten more than my fair share of meat pies (and 'meat' pies) in visits through Europe, Russia, & South America (and let's be real: New York, too!)

Pie Face, however, has completely converted me! Pie me!

Each pie's mouth is different to reflect the filling. The pulled pork has a "Q" for the mouth, ie BBQ. This was hands-down our favorite in the savory samplings. Tender, seasoned, and an excellent filling-to-crust ratio!

We also tried the beef & mushroom (just ok to me, but I'm not big on the 'shrooms) and the chicken curry, which I loved (curry wasn't overpowering) and Ann did not so much. It was like a creamy pot pie with extra kick.

I went back the next day to get some sweet pies and came back with this gorgeous trio: L-R, pear ricotta, lemon, and apple pie.

The apple pie was my least favorite: more crust than filling. True, the crust is delicious, flaky, & tender but I was hoping for more apples and cinnamon and whatnot.

So much lemon!!
The lemon meringue was delicious and it had a mountain of sweet but tart lemon filling. You can easily share this with someone, or save the other half for the next day (which I did--still yummy!)

The sweet pie winner for me was the pear-ricotta pie. Not too sweet, the ricotta was light and fluffy and the pears were super tender. I'll be back this week for a pulled pork & a pear ricotta pie, and no, I won't be sharing!
Pie Face

1691 Broadway

New York, NY 10019

(212) 247-9065

Visit their website for more locations!

1 comment:

I think comments are delicious! Leave me one, won't you??