June 03, 2013

Hopewell Valley Vineyards (New Jersey)

Tucked away off the busy roads in Pennington, New Jersey, is Hopewell Vineyards. It's a gorgeous bit of land with tons of outdoor seating, stunning views, and of course, delicious wine!

Our group was there for a non-bachelorette weekend to celebrate That Sara's impending wedding. We found out that Hopewell had live music on Saturdays, and figured it was a great place to start. It's called Music & Merlot, and it's a great way to spend an evening.

There is a lot of seating at Hopewell, but it fills up fast, so get there early! We were lucky to get a long table for our group, though it was very close to the speakers. Great for listening to music, not so much for hearing your neighbor!

I was a fan of their Barbera- a luscious, rich red wine. I actually liked their Chardonnay, too, but the Barbera by far was my favorite.

We started with some cheese and olives while we waited on our pizza. Nothing too fancy-- cheddar, pepper jack, grapes, crackers, etc.

The pizza was a little chewy and tough to cut, but it was tasty. It had that delicious brick oven flavor, and it went SO well with the wine.

As we made our way out of the building, we had to stop and admire the brilliant sunset settling over the horizon.

We had a great time (for not a lot of money, I might add) and enjoyed our light snacks, wine, and the live music. It's a bit noisy with the music, so if you're with a group, you won't be able to hear anyone sitting more than 2 seats away. If that's the case, make the most of your situation and have some more Merlot (or, if you're like me, more Barbera)!

Hopewell Vineyards
46 Yard Rd
Pennington, NJ 08534
(609) 737-4465

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