August 24, 2013

Carpe Donut!

My coworker, CJ (who also took all the photos in today's post), discovered a delicious cider donut while in Charlottesville, Virginia. She soon found out that company has a food truck in New York City, and she recruited me to join her in tracking it down ASAP!

Good old Twitter (follow me there @LKPNYC!)-- I tweeted the CarpeDonutNYC folks for their location, and they replied immediately! CJ volunteered to go out to the truck, snap some vivid photos, and procure the precious donuts. What a gal!
Hello, delicious donuts!
Carpe Donut sells cider donuts-- those delicious cake donuts covered in cinnamon sugar.

According to the Carpe Donut website, everything that goes into this donut is organic-- from the flour and flavorings to the sugar, and they're fried in soybean oil, so no nasty trans fats to be found!

I have always loved a good cider donut (a staple of fall in New England). These, however, were different than what I expected. They have a chewiness to them without being heavy. These aren't your typical cake donuts-- these were fluffy and fabulous in a whole new way. They have a delicious, almost crunchy outside, and fluffy, yummy, cidery-y insides. They're sweet, but not tooth-achingly so.

They also sell hot and iced coffee, hot chocolate, hot cider (of course!) and other delicious drinks I'll be sure to try this fall!
Visit them in Virginia or here in NYC! You can learn more about about their Virginia location on their website here-- or follow the NYC truck's travels on their site here!


  1. Reading this post made me crave them again!

  2. I'm typically not a big doughnut fan, but these sound good!

  3. Halcyon--they are quite tasty! Also, I told someone your and the DH's story about 'Une baguettttte-UH" yet again yesterday!


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