August 01, 2013

Boothbay Lobster Wharf (Maine)

That Sara's wedding didn't start until 3:30, so a small group of us took the 5 minute drive downtown to Boothbay Lobster Wharf, where we were determined to chow down on freshly-cooked Lobstah!

Imagine my delight to see the "triple delight" special: three 1 1/2 pound lobsters and two sides for--get this: 26.95. YES.

Okay, the sides are tiny. It's not even a quarter cup of potato salad and you had maybe half an ear of corn which the three of us split. Who cares?! Did you see that lobster? And the cup of drawn, salted butter? That is all I need!

We had the softshell lobsters, meaning there wasn't quite as much meat as a hardshell, but it was more tender. I've eaten a good amount of lobster my life, and this was hands-down the best lobster so far in this delicious thing called my life. (Best lobster roll of my life, Lincolnville, Maine, Summer 2006, in case you were wondering).

After we devoured our delicious, succulent, salty, buttery lobstahs, half of our group went back to prepare for the wedding. Kwame, ABF & I had a little more on our minds still. ABF ordered a lobster roll, which he thought we'd share with him.

 But something else caught my eye and Kwame's. Blueberry pie à la mode. Ohhh yeah!

 There are two places to order at the Lobster Wharf: the lobster/fresh seafood side, where you order and pickup your lobster, crabs and shellfish, and the to go window where you get, well, everything else. This is where we got a little backed up, and it took almost 30 minutes to get ABF's lobstah roll. But man, it was worth the wait. HUGE!

AMAZING lobstah roll!

Worth the wait!

Everything at Boothbay Lobster Wharf was beyond delicious, and the prices made our wallets as happy as our tastebuds. This is a MUST stop if you're even THINKING about going to Boothbay Harbor!

Lobster Wharf
97 Atlantic Ave
Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
(207) 633-4900


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