September 13, 2013

Food Truck Friday: Carl's Steaks

Welcome to a new segment on Stuff I Ate: Food Truck Fridays! Every Friday I'll bring a new food experience from one of NYC's many delicious mobile meal options!

Carl's Steaks used to be a last-stop on many an evening out-- it was located on 2nd ave near many bars and dance spots, so we often went there for a late night snack to soak up some of our celebrating.
Well, the brick & mortar location might be closed, but Carl's is still serving up their cheesy, delicious sandwiches-- on the move! (And at Yankees stadium, but as a lifelong Mets fan I won't expound too much on that....)
Even a Mets fan has to eat! 
A 6-inch cheesesteak runs 6.50-- an excellent bargain, if you ask me. I'm a fan of the Cheez Wiz (this is the ONLY time I eat Cheez Wiz) and onions version, but you can also get peppers, hot peppers, and other toppings. There is also a 10-inch for not that much more, but the smaller sandwich is always enough for me.
I've had the same sandwich twice now-- the bread is fresh but with a decent crust (not crispy per se, but not soggy either) the meat has been tender, and they don't skimp on the Cheez Wiz! My sandwich yesterday could have used more onions, but that didn't stop me from devouring the whole thing.

 I'll be swinging by next time to pick up a sandwich AND some bacon cheese fries. Yeah, you heard me. Several of my coworkers have already volunteered to help me finish them-- they're team players like that!
The best way to find out where the Carl's Steaks truck is each day--- Twitter, of course! Follow them there @carlsteaks.

I'm not a board-certified cheesesteak expert, but I know good meat, good cheese, and good bread, and Carl's Steaks has all three! Track 'em down and tell me what you think!

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