September 20, 2013

Food Truck Friday: Mtblls!

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No, I didn't skip any letters-- that's how the Mtblls truck spells its name! You won't care about spelling though when you get a taste of their product--what's not to love about meatballs?

You can choose from beef, chicken, or veggie meatballs, and get them on baguettes, slider rolls, or with focaccia bread. The sauces are tomato, francese (lemon), or romesco (tomatoes/red peppers). Nothing is more than 10 bucks at this truck, so file this baby under Cheap Eats!

I ordered the 'pair of balls' (You're welcome, Mom) for $7-- two beef meatballs with tomatoc sauce, ricotta and parmagiana reggiano cheese, normally paired with focaccia bread. It comes in a nice, leakproof box, and was still warm by the time I got back up to my desk.
They were out of focaccia, so they gave me a slider roll instead. I was disappointed at first, but that slider bread is FAB! Soft, chewy, so good! I ate every last bit of it, and used it to sop up the deliciousy zingy sauce, which had a wonderful heat in the background but was not overly hot.

I thought the meatballs were great-- chewy but not tough, well-seasoned, and just enough to tide me over before going out to a fancypants dinner later that night. Follow them on Twitter- @mtblls to find out where they'll be each day.

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