April 20, 2014

Easter: Lamb Cake

My mom started a tradition years ago- baking an adorable lamb-shaped cake from a mold and decorating it for Easter.

Years ago, I bought a lamb cake mold of my own....and they sat in my kitchen, collecting dust.
I don't know why, but this year I suddenly got the courage/nerve/chutzpah to try to make a lamb cake on my own.

I made the cake with a Martha Stewart pound cake recipe, subbing in almond extract for the vanilla. I felt the pound cake would be sturdy enough to hold its shape and travel well.

The batter all goes in the half of the mold with the lamb's face, so you get the details of the ears and eyes.

Per the instructions from many a fellow blogger, I reinforced the ears and neck with wide bamboo skewers to support the cake, and tied my mold shut with twine, but it wasn't tight enough. When I pulled it from the oven, I saw a lot of batter had leaked.

So my lamb was a little smaller than usual- that's where frosting comes in, right? I made the cake Saturday night and wrapped it tightly in the fridge until Easter morning. Then I got up early and  made a buttercream/cream cheese hybrid frosting. 

I smoothed a crumb coat, or a thin layer of frosting, over the entire lamb and out it back in the fridge for 20 minutes. Then I filled my pastry bag (with small pastry tip) and squiggled it all over the lamb. I was so taken with how easy and cute it was that I couldn't contain my giggling.

I surrounded the cake with shredded coconut colored with green food dye, placed a few Reese's eggs around it (for Spring color, not because I'm confused about animal biology), and off we went to Easter brunch!

The lamb cake got quite a reception when we arrived- it really does have a wow factor! I was also glad to be able to bring one of my family traditions to the table, even if my family couldn't be there in person. 

I was very relieved to find the pound cake was delicious, if maybe just a smidge overcooked. I think I would shorten the cooking time by 5 minutes, and I plan to try a fluffier frosting next time. And there WILL be a next time! I might not even wait until next Easter-this would be a fun cake for anytime in this long-awaited season! Happy Spring!
PS: Here's a link to a pan similar to mine: check it out for yourself! And a link the recipe I used (which I cut in half, and subbed almond extract instead of vanilla): pound cake recipe here.


  1. Adorable! You should be proud!

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